Requirements to pass Class Level at ALL IN ONE-BENIN

To Pass any English class at ALL IN ONE-BENIN, every student enrolled at ALL IN ONE-BENIN English class MUST complete all the Board assignments, Slack Assignment, Attendance (minimum 85% required), Book Assignments (must complete the Book).

Other students in other classes like French or Computer Classes must contact their instructors or Their class syllabus to see if this applies to them.

Slack Participation/Assignment

Every student enrolled in Language classes at ALL IN ONE-BENIN is expected to do the following:

1. Post 1 word 1 day in the following format:

a)    Word of today: ….

b)    Definition (the definition can be found on and the student can explain it in its own words)

c)    Example: (the student is expected to provide examples on how to use the word in a context)

2. React/Reply on someone’s post: you should reply to someone’s post or ask question to engage a thread and discuss.

3. Respond to the topic posted on General discussion within the 48 hours as stated above. If a student does not complete the above requirement, he gets (-1pt from his slack grade). However, if the student goes beyond the requirements, he will get (+1pt to his slack grade)


Book Participation/Assignment

Every student is expected to complete the Book venture for his/her level. This is the minimum requirement to complete the level. The Note Book for all students BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE Levels are ready at the center. Please make sure you check in and find your note during the first week of your class. Remember the notebook should not be brought home for any reason; it is onsite note. You should use it to complete your BOOK VENTURE assignments. The audios for the Book are available on Slack and on the computers of ALL IN ONE-BENIN. Please ask your instructor or the Staff if you have any questions. This note only applies to students enrolled in BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED English classes Levels

NOTE: ALL IN ONE-BENIN policy states that if a student is absent (no communication) for two (2) consecutive weeks, the student may be administratively withdrawn from class. Thus, if a student misses two or more consecutive weekly assessments/assignments and/or any participation in the course activity without contacting the instructor to explain the extenuating circumstances, the student will be referred to the Director of ALL IN ONE-BENIN for administrative withdrawal.


Summary : If you are still asking what to do in ALL IN ONE-BENIN Courses to successfully pass the class, here are the things you should do :

  1. SLACK assignment (everyday)
  2. Venture Book Completion (take the book for your level)
  3. Board assignments (must complete your assignments, quizzes, exams) and get 80% for the final grade
  4. Attend the class and participate (at least 85% attendance is required)

If any of the above requirements is not met, the class will be marked INCOMPLETE. For assistance, please contact the staff: or call +229